
Condos & Co-Ops

Keystone services for condominiums and co-op associations

Property management is a complex and intense profession. It requires expertise in dozens of fields, organizational skills, the ability to multi-task on a grand scale, and assertive leaders who know how to get things done. The following index of our services provides some insight into how we can improve your community and why experience is so critical to management success.

Notices and meetings

Prepare and mail notices of meetings and elections throughout the year.
Prepare agendas and attend all annual, special, and committee meetings.
Take notes and prepare the minutes of the meetings.
Maintain Association records as required by statute

Bucket, collection, and bookkeeping

Collect and deposit all maintenance fees
Receive and collect all Association bills and obligations
Pay all invoices and statements on a timely basis
Full service bookkeeping
Prepare late payment notices and collect late fees
Forward delinquent accounts to attorney for collection/liens as required
Prepare monthly financial statements and distribute to board members
Provide fiscal year data to accountant for year end reports and tax returns
Develop budget recommendations for consideration by the board
Develop reserve requirements and annual opt-out processing as required
Develop special assessment recommendations and collections

Maintenance and repairs

Oversight of daily operation of the Association property
Provide and supervise cleaning and lawn care services as required
Supervise pool maintenance, elevator, and security system contracts
Bid out or hire maintenance contractors as required
Provide 24-hour emergency monitoring and repair services
Coordinate and supervise existing maintenance personnel as appropriate


Manage all mandatory and other insurance programs
Ensure that policy limits are appropriate
Solicit competitive rate negotiation
Monitor statutory compliance and provide elevation certificates, etc.
Develop payment options and recommendations to complement budget realities

Licenses, certificates, and fees

Monitor requirements and provide timely filing with city, county, and state
Ensure that building permits and certificates of commencements are filed
Track recertification status and requirements

Municipal requirements

Maintain liaison with local government agencies
Monitor compliance with building codes and property regulations
Provide quick response to code violations and building requirements

Statutes and regulations

Retain qualified, experienced, and fully licensed Community Association Managers
Advise the board of directors regarding procedures and issues
Provide services of an attorney specializing in condo/co-op law when required

Transfers and approvals

Services to efficiently transfer ownership and approve leases
Research declaration for guidance and rules regarding new owners and tenants
Provide background screening/credit checks as approved by the board
Conduct/set up interviews and rules review as required by boards and declaration

Other services

Represent the Association when owner disagreements occur
Negotiate agreements regarding internal damage caused by individual units
Resolve issues involving damage/complaints caused by common area problems
Reconcile disagreements related to pets, parking, noise, and other complaints

Explore what Keystone can mean to you and your community

Ask us for references. Speak to board members and owners in associations that have been Keystone clients for a decade or more. Review our financial reports and accounting methods. Examine our budget development process. Explore the ways we help communities fund insurance programs that take an ever greater share of annual budgets. Talk to directors in communities that saved hundreds of thousands of dollars when Keystone tackled municipal fines, liens, and violations. Take a look at affordable maintenance programs that meet the needs of the physical properties while recognizing fiscal limitations. Keystone experience enables us to craft a management program that fits the needs of any community at prices any community can afford.

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